
NOV-DEC 2015

Horizons magazine is published by Presbyterian Women (PW) the national women’s organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

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November/December 2015 37 P W in the Presbytery of Western North Car- olina has a long history of involvement in mission and hands-on projects, both locally and globally. One of our projects—the one of which I am most proud—is the microloan project for our PW sisters in Guatemala. We have a 21-year history of partnership with Suchitepéquez and Sur Occi- dente presbyteries. In April of 2012, we hosted three women from these presby- teries for a week in North Carolina, and in the fall of 2013, four of our PWs attended a retreat in Guatemala with the women in those presbyteries. The idea for making these loans came out of this retreat. After getting to know the women and hearing their stories, it became apparent that a microloan program could be a huge help for them and their families. We formed a task force in 2014 and found an agency in Guatemala (ADEHGUA) whose job it is to administer microloan programs. They have a long and successful history of doing so. We initially raised just over $7,000 and, in April 2015, our first checks were sent. Thirty-two women partici- pated in the first cycle of our program and of those, 30 plan to continue. A group of 15 from another area would like to join. ADEHGUA is helping the Guatemalan women learn to run their businesses. Groups meet every two weeks to report their progress. ADEHGUA collects payments and keeps records for each project. All of the money goes back into the pot for future loans and to pay administrative fees from ADEHGUA for administer- ing the program. Some of the projects receiving fund- ing so far include raising chickens, pigs and other livestock; cooking proj- ects where food is made to sell; a small store that provides basic supplies; raising corn; making and sell- ing clothing; and selling fire- wood and coal. Our funds were depleted after the first cycle of loans, so we raised an additional $5,000 for the second cycle, which begins this fall. Two members of our task force are in Guatemala now (Octo- ber 2015), meeting with the women involved in the proj- ects. Every woman in every group repaid all of their loans plus interest. Most were suc- cessful in saving a quetzal a day—one of our require- ments. The women are learning the importance of administering their money, keeping accounts and being responsible. The women are seeing the fruits of their proj- ects and continually express apprecia- tion for the help. We need prayers for those women who are starting and running their new businesses and for PW in our presbytery as we continue to raise funds. This is a unique undertaking for PW in the PC(USA), so we are happy to be on the cutting edge and to be liv- ing into our purpose in this way. Thanks be to God for the opportunity to do this and for the wonderful response we have had so far to be about God's work in Guatemala. For more information, email barbaram_2@charter.net. Barbara McLean is moderator of PW in the Presbytery of Western North Carolina. North Carolina–Guatemala Partnership Empowers Impoverished Women t t t BY BARBARA MCLEAN s u p p o r t i n g m i s s i o n Mónica Salvador (far left) received a loan through the microloan program established by the partnership between PW in the Presbytery of Western North Carolina and Guatemala's Suchitepéquez and Sur Occidente presbyteries. The money allowed further investment in the various animal husbandry enterprises Monica and her family use to support themselves. Visit Presbyterian Women's Mission Matters blog, http://pwpcusa. typepad.com/pwmm, for profiles of two women who have received funding for their projects. Photo courtesy of Barbara McLean

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