Horizons Sample

NOV-DEC 2011

Horizons magazine is published by Presbyterian Women (PW) the national women’s organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Issue link: http://horizons.epubxp.com/i/52581

Contents of this Issue


Page 32 of 51

Caribbean—$5,000 1. Caribbean Link Ranger Gathering, Trinidad, West Indies, $5,000 Pacific—$19,820 1. Fellowship of the Least Coin Workshop, Niue Island, $5,000 2. Mitna Community Women/Girls' Access to Education, Papua New Guinea, $5,000 3. Shelter Livelihood Program, Western Samoa, $4,820 4. Strengthening Ecumenism through Women's Ecumenical Harmony Formation, Fiji, $5,000 Asia—$36,075 1. In God's Image Journal, Indonesia, $5,000 2. Sinag Kababaihan Program, Philippines, $5,000 3. Empowering Ecumenical Young Women for Service and Leadership, Philippines, $5,000 4. Life River Project, Japan, $5,000 5. Awareness Raising on Women's Health, Nepal, $5,000 6. Marginal Women's Assistance Program, Bangladesh, $5,000 7. Darkhan Tailor Shop, Mongolia, $5,000 8. Seth Sevana—A drop-in centre for women, Sri Lanka, $1,075 Latin America—$19,135 1. Weaving New Nets (Networks), Argentina, $4,500 T Here's What You Can Do ᑥ/++∗,.ᑀ.∃!ᑀᑠ!∋∋∗1−∃%+ᑀ∗∀ᑀ.∃!ᑀᑢ!ᑩ−.ᑀᑘ∗%)ᑀᑃᑠᑢᑘᑄᑀᑰ3ᑀ∋!ᑩ,)%)#ᑀ(∗,!ᑀᑩᑰ∗/.ᑀ.∃%−ᑀ+,ᑩ3!,ᑀ(∗0!(!).ᑖ 0%−%.ᑀᑠᑢᑘ6−ᑀ1!ᑰ−%.!ᑆᑀ111ᑇ∀∋ᑱᑇ)!.ᑇ+∃ᑆᑀ∗,ᑀᑣᑨ6−ᑀᑢ!ᑩ−.ᑀᑘ∗%)ᑀ+ᑩ#!ᑆᑀ ᑄᑤᑰᑘᑥᑠᑀᑨᑡᑀᑑᑰᑖ∃ᑠᑰ ᑂᑄᑑᑉᑐᑅᑉᑈᑃᑇᑀᑁᑉᑉᑆᑇᑄᑐ ᑧ∗∋/(!ᑀᑐᑈᑆᑀ.∃!(! ᑀ4ᑣ,ᑩ3ᑀᑩ) ᑀᑗᑱ.ᑀ∀∗, ᑘ∃ᑩ)#!ᑆ5ᑀ%)ᑱ∋/ !−ᑀ+,ᑩ3!,−ᑆᑀ.∃∗/#∃.−ᑀ ᑩ) ᑀ.!−.%(∗)%!−ᑀ∗)ᑀ∋%0%)#ᑀ∗/.ᑀ.∃!ᑀ +,∗(%−!ᑀ∗∀ᑀ+!ᑩᑱ!ᑀᑩ) ᑀ,!ᑱ∗)ᑱ%∋%ᑩ.%∗)ᑇᑀ ᑡ.!(ᑀᑣᑨᑤᑉᑉᑒᑔᑔᑖᑀ∀,!!ᑅᑀ ᑃᑀᑈᑠᑢᑠᑧᑙᑀᑖᑧᑙᑀᑃᑀᑈᑠᑢᑖᑘ∃ᑂᑀᑃᑧᑀ ᑃ! ᑨᑗᑤᑨᑢᑰᑖᑩᑣ∃ᑀᑨᑡᑀᑓᑣᑖᑧ ᑤᑀᑓᑨᑥᑨᑦᑨᑧ ᑦ∃%−ᑀᑰ∗∗&ᑀ%−ᑀ.∃!ᑀᑩ/.∗ᑰ%∗#,ᑩ+∃3ᑀ∗∀ᑀ ᑥ∃ᑩ).%ᑀᑥ∗∋∗(∗)ᑆᑀ1∃∗ᑀ∀∗/) ! ᑀ.∃! !ᑱ/(!)%ᑱᑩ∋ᑀᑠᑢᑘᑀ+,ᑩ3!,ᑀ(∗0!(!).ᑀ%) ᑉᑕᑓᑔᑇᑀᑦ,%ᑰ/.!−ᑀᑩ) ᑀ+∃∗.∗−ᑀᑩ,!ᑀ%)ᑱ∋/ ! ᑇᑀ ᑡ.!(ᑀᑣᑨᑤᑈᑔᑒᑔᑐᑖᑀᑁᑑᑇᑈᑈᑅ ᑉᑖᑧ∃ᑀᑑᑰᑖ∃ᑠᑰᑁᑀᑐᑧᑠᑀᑑᑰᑖ∃ᑠᑰᑂᑀᑒᑠᑘᑨᑧᑘᑤᑥᑤᑖ ᑤᑨᑧᑀᑖᑧᑙ ᑆᑨᑩᑠᑀᑔᑣᑰᑨ!ᑢᑣᑀ ᑣᑠᑀᑅᑠᑥᑥᑨ#ᑱᑣᑤᑩᑀᑨᑡᑀ ᑣᑠᑀᑈᑠᑖᑱ ᑀᑄᑨᑤᑧ ᑦ∃%−ᑀ+ᑩ+!,ᑰᑩᑱ&ᑀᑰ∗∗&ᑆᑀᑱ∗(+%∋! ᑀᑰ3ᑀᑢᑩ&−∃(%ᑀᑙᑩ)%!∋ᑆᑀ ᑩ) ᑀ+/ᑰ∋%−∃! ᑀᑰ3ᑀ.∃!ᑀᑠᑢᑘᑀ%)ᑀ%.−ᑀᑒᑈ.∃ᑀ3!ᑩ,ᑆᑀ.!∋∋−ᑀ∗∀ᑀ.∃! (%,ᑩᑱ/∋∗/−ᑀ−.∗,3ᑀ∗∀ᑀ.∃!ᑀᑠᑢᑘᑀᑩ) ᑀ.∃!ᑀ.∃∗/−ᑩ) −ᑀ∗∀ 1∗(!)ᑀ∀,∗(ᑀᑩ∋∋ᑀ∗0!,ᑀ.∃!ᑀ#∋∗ᑰ!ᑀ1∃∗ᑀ∃ᑩ0!ᑀ+,ᑩ3!,∀/∋∋3 +ᑩ,.%ᑱ%+ᑩ.! ᑀ%)ᑀᑠᑢᑘᑇᑀᑡ.!(ᑀᑣᑨᑤᑈᑔᑒᑔᑉᑖᑀᑁᑉᑈᑇᑈᑈᑅ ᑄᑠᑥᑠᑗᑰᑖ ᑤᑧᑢᑀ ᑣᑠᑀᑈᑠᑢᑖᑘ∃ᑁᑀᑕᑤᑱᑤᑨᑧᑤᑧᑢᑀ ᑣᑠᑀᑅ! !ᑰᑠᑁᑀᑈᑤ∀ᑤᑧᑢᑀ ᑣᑠᑀᑇ!ᑗᑤᑥᑠᑠ ᑣ/ᑰ∋%−∃! ᑀ%)ᑀᑱ!∋!ᑰ,ᑩ.%∗)ᑀ∗∀ᑀ.∃!ᑀᑓᑈ.∃ᑀᑩ))%0!,−ᑩ,3ᑀ∗∀ᑀ.∃! ᑠᑢᑘᑀ%)ᑀᑐᑈᑈᑔᑆᑀ.∃%−ᑀᑰ∗∗&ᑀ∀!ᑩ./,!−ᑀ1∗(!)ᑀ∀,∗(ᑀᑩ,∗/) .∃!ᑀ1∗,∋ ᑀ !−ᑱ,%ᑰ%)#ᑀ.∃!%,ᑀ!)ᑱ∗/).!,−ᑀ1%.∃ᑀᑩ) ᑱ∗((%.(!).−ᑀ.∗ᑀ.∃!ᑀ!ᑱ/(!)%ᑱᑩ∋ᑀ+,ᑩ3!,ᑀ(∗0!(!).ᑖ +∃∗.∗−ᑀ.∃,∗/#∃∗/.ᑇᑀᑡ.!(ᑀᑣᑨᑤᑈᑔᑒᑔᑓᑖᑀᑁᑉᑈᑇᑈᑈᑅ ᑅᑣ∋/−ᑀ−∃%++%)#ᑀᑩ) ᑀ∃ᑩ) ∋%)#ᑀᑃᑉᑈᑂᑀ∗∀ᑀ∗, !,ᑀ.∗.ᑩ∋ᑆᑀᑁᑓᑇᑐᑓᑀ(%)%(/(ᑆᑀᑁᑔᑓᑇᑈᑈᑀ(ᑩ2%(/(ᑄ 2. Women and AIDS: Preventive Actions through Religious Communities, Brazil, $5,000 3. Routes for Change, Uruguay, $4,750 4. "Woman, it is," Bolivia Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, $4,885 Block Grants to Ecumenical Organizations—$120,000 All Africa Conference of Churches—$10,000 Asian Church Women's Conference—$20,000 Christian Conference of Asia—$10,000 Caribbean Conference of Churches—$10,000 Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women— $10,000 Latin American Council of Churches—$10,000 Middle East Council of Churches—$10,000 Pacific Conference of Churches—$10,000 Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada— $5,000 Church Women United USA—$5,000 World Council of Churches Women in Church & Society—$10,000 World Day of Prayer International Committee— $10,000 Corazon Tabing-Reyes is the executive secretary of the International Committee for the Fellowship of the Least Coin. November/December 2011 27

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