
MAY-JUN 2015

Horizons magazine is published by Presbyterian Women (PW) the national women’s organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Issue link: http://horizons.epubxp.com/i/521232

Contents of this Issue


Page 6 of 51

May/June 2015 5 H ow something is said can be just as important as what is being said. Our tone and body language certainly shape our communication, but not as much as word choices. Language isn't neutral or benign. It's powerful enough to draw us together or drive us apart. We use language to communicate—sometimes with the intent to share an experience, other times with the intent to convince the listener of our views. When language is used to convince, it's rhetoric more than dialog. Rhetoric, or the way language is used to influence an audience, is implicit in the messages we are flooded with every day. It's easy to become overloaded with messages—coming to us from television, newspapers, magazines, radio, blogs and social media like Facebook and Twitter—to the point of apathy. We hear, read or see so much, we can become desensitized to tragedy or outrage. Or worse, we absorb the messages without any reflection on how the accounts are framed. Too often, news accounts use rhetoric that dehumanizes victims and validates systemic injustice. As Christians called to justice, we must examine and call out the ways in which negatively framed rhetoric has destruc- tive power in our culture and communities. Separating "Them" from "Us" Rhetoric is a powerful (though often subtle) instrument in upholding institutional inequality that separates "them" from "us." In many of the messages we hear, "the other" emerges as a common theme. This division allows us to "Suspect" or "Sister"? Weeding Rhetorical Violence Out of Our Vocabulary BY ALEXIS PRESSEAU MALOOF

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